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  • 09/04/2022 11:46 AM | Gabby Rosas (Administrator)

    The following is a joint response from the members of the 107IST Board, Rose City Riveters Steering Committee, and Timbers Army Steering Committee. 

    Over the last year, supporters have demanded accountability from the PTFC Front Office. The 107IST Board, the Rose City Riveters Steering Committee, and the Timbers Army Steering Committee have made these demands in the stands as well as in meetings between our leadership teams, in meetings with players, and as season ticket holders. To date, the club has made some changes and has instituted new policies, but we are concerned that without insight into the club’s operations, progress could be stalled. The Club’s commitment to an “action plan to bolster accountability, equity, and engagement” has been a major area of focus for the 107IST Board. 

    In March 2022, meetings resumed between the PTFC Front Office and the 107IST Board. The Board approached the initial meeting with two goals in mind - learning about the work and the plans the FO had in place and relaying the messages we received from our membership over the previous six months. This is where the Board first heard about the Club’s accountability initiatives and started asking questions, please see an update to the comparisons between the Club's initiatives and our demands. The Board provided suggestions to the Club regarding when and how to communicate these initiatives to the community. Since March, the Board has received updates on the initiatives and has driven conversations in relation to what else is going on with the club. 

    As a reminder, the 107IST board has been meeting with the PTFC Front Office, off and on, for over a decade and those meetings have varied in tone and outcomes. During these meetings, we are respectful of the confidentiality of some of the subject matter, but often encourage the FO to provide these updates to the broader community. The 107IST Board also uses this time to share out our own efforts. 

    The leadership of the 107IST, Riveters, and TA comprises over 30 individuals. These individuals come to the table with a variety of responses, hopes, and feelings about every new article or allegation. Past member surveys have shown us that our membership is also split on what actions or next steps are called for, and how best to move forward (Nov 2021 results, March 2022 results). Every statement or expression you see publicly is the result of days of back and forth internally, and we know that many of you are having these same discussions in your homes, workplaces, and internally. We are united in our disgust at what has taken place, and our frustration with the ongoing lack of concrete progress. We come from varied backgrounds, working in many different industries, and in none of those spaces would this kind of continued behavior or kick-it-under-the-sofa response be tolerated. Beyond accountability, someone must take responsibility. We are ready to see real action and progress being made, not just talk. 

    With that said, we are also doing our best to be patient while awaiting results of the different investigations, notably the NWSL/NWSLPA investigation as well as the USSF investigation. It is understood that those investigations are focused on the league, cover all teams, and we are hopeful that PTFC have been fully engaged and participating in those efforts. We also expect all club and league leaders, including those at PTFC, will support the findings of these independent investigations and will follow any and all recommendations that the investigators provide. 

    In the meantime, we will strive to support the players on the field, those who have spoken up and those who remain silent, and we will continue to build community the best way we know how. 

    We also want to better understand where you are at, either as a 107IST member, a season ticket holder, or a former supporter of PTFC. Please take 5 minutes to fill out this survey to help us gauge where our community is at.  

    To the brave staff and players, both current and former, who are working to make this a club worth believing in, we thank you. And to those who have come forward and shared your experiences and truth, we are grateful. The world needs more of your honesty and bravery and we regret the position a handful of leaders have put you in. 

    The 107IST board, the Rose City Riveters Steering Committee, and the Timbers Army Steering Committee want to express our gratitude to Ryan Clarke and The Oregonian for their reporting on the DLA Piper investigation of PTFC. We also want to thank the teams at The Athletic and ESPN for continued coverage of the issues surrounding this club. 

    Below are links to the articles and opinion pieces for anyone who is not familiar with the latest news coming out regarding our Club and the investigations:

  • 08/02/2022 11:43 AM | Rachel Greenough (Administrator)

    This August, we’ll be collecting items for the Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO). We have a long-standing connection to IRCO, and we’re proud to support them again this year. Please consider picking something up on the way to a match or swinging by Fanladen during membership hours, so we can continue our support of this important organization.

    IRCO is always in need of disposable diapers to share with immigrant and refugee families in Portland. This is an essential and high need item, so please buy a pack or two of diapers and donate if you can! Shocked by the high price of these items? So are the families that need them. Please, they will only accept new items at this time– please only donate new, full toiletries items. The other high priority needs are as follows:

    • Disposable diapers (all sizes- highest priority)

    • Socks (child & adult sizes)

    • Underwear and bras (all sizes)

    • Feminine hygiene supplies

    • Toothbrushes and toothpaste (child & adult)

    • Hand soap and cleansers

    • Shampoo and conditioner

    IRCO provides support and empowering services for refugees from around the globe. Oregon has one of the fastest growing refugee and immigrant populations in the country, and IRCO is the main organization in Portland organizing services and support for new arrivals. 

    While IRCO has asked us to focus on specific items during this drive, they also have an ongoing need for other items to support refugee communities in Portland. Please see this document from IRCO about their needs. We will accept any of these wish list items as well, and you are welcome to support them via monetary donation or wishlist at any time.

    Finally, Irco has some really cool events coming up! If you’re interested in learning more about what they do, or in volunteering with the organization, keep an eye on the newsletter and socials where we will be sharing more information as it is finalized. 

    Thank you for your support of the community.

    What: Donation drive for IRCO

    Where: Fanladen 1633 SW Alder (just a couple blocks from the stadium)

    When: Match days in August; Wednesday membership hours; Check the newsletter for open hours

  • 07/04/2022 11:14 AM | Rachel Greenough (Administrator)

    It’s July and time to pick up some extra school supplies for match day drives! 

    Please help us collect brand new school supplies for Youth Organized and United to Help (! These items will be distributed to kids in east county at a neighborhood YOUth event in early September, to ensure that every child has what they need to be successful this school year.  This organization is in the process of building an even stronger presence in the area as it moves into its first physical location this summer. This event will help build their physical presence in the neighborhood and provide services and support to their community. Let's help them get set up with some school supplies!

    Items needed include: backpacks, binders, spiral notebooks, notebook paper, dry erase markers and erasers, sharpies, pencils, highlighters, erasers, sharpeners, rulers, crayola markers, colored pencils, glue sticks, dividers, lunchboxes, and/or gift certificates to Fred Meyer or similar stores (to help purchase back-to-school clothing and additional supplies). Please donate new items only for this drive. 

    Drop off donations anytime Fanladen is open in July. Stop by before a match (Thorns: 7/16; Timbers: 7/17 and 7/23) or during membership hours on Wednesday nights (check social media and newsletter for specific hours to be sure we’ll be there!). Fanladen is located at 1633 SW Alder.

    Thank you so much for your generous donations– You are helping to make an impact in the community and strengthen the 107IST partnership with local organizations.

    What: School Supplies drive for

    When: All of July! Match days and member hours.

    Where: Fanladen, 1633 SW Alder

  • 06/29/2022 2:34 PM | 107ist Admin (Administrator)

    We wanted to provide an update on the work we are doing as board members and committee members toward fostering a more diverse, inclusive and equitable organization and culture.

    • In July 2021, we formalized a contract with Dr. Roberta Hunte and Sally Eck of Heartwork Educational Consulting to work with the 107IST board, TASC and RSC.
    • In October and November 2021, Roberta facilitated listening sessions. Interested BIPOC community members were invited to participate in these listening sessions — without the board or steering committees present — to engage in a safe, facilitated space and to offer experiences and feedback on how to improve the culture of belonging in our community.
    • In November 2021, the board met with Roberta and Sally to hear a summary of the listening sessions’ feedback and recommendations.
    • In February 2022, the board conducted strategic planning. We identified the continuing Diversity initiative as one of the top three priorities for the organization to carry out this year.

    Over the next few months, we have a series of four workshops with Roberta and Sally scheduled, which include board members, the BIPOC group, and committee leads and co-leads. In broad terms, the workshops focus on:

    • Recognizing oppression: what oppression is and isn't
    • Strengthening our ability to hear each other and work together
    • Recognizing what we each bring (as individuals) to community interactions as members (volunteers at large, as well as board and steering committee members)
    • Building skills for community members to have the conversations that can interrupt oppression

    The workshops are organized as follows:

    1. Introduction, understanding and unlearning oppression
    2. Intersectional frameworks for a better organization
    3. Who we are and why it matters
    4. Interrupting oppression

    We held our first of four workshops this past Sunday, June 26, which focused on understanding and unlearning oppression.

    Members! We are also offering in-person workshops in August and September for up to 30 107IST members! Read more and sign up here.

    We know this is a work in progress. As Roberta and Sally reminded us: Accept and expect nonclosure. We look forward to continuing to learn and grow together.

  • 06/24/2022 2:24 PM | 107ist Admin (Administrator)

    Reproductive rights are human rights. Human rights are not — and should never be — negotiable. A safe and healthy abortion should be available to any person who wishes to have one.

    Today's Supreme Court decision strips away bodily autonomy and basic human rights for more than half the country. It's unconscionable, and it will have deep repercussions and effects on our most vulnerable communities.

    Abortion, contraceptives and gender-affirming care remain legal and available in our state. We encourage everyone to make your voice heard and lend a hand to the states being hit with the strictest bans.

    Here are some ways you can support people needing abortion care.

    Cohesive site with several resources:

    Resources for Oregon and the PNW:

    Other state organizations where the trigger law immediately outlaws abortion:

    Louisiana and region: 
    New Orleans Abortion Fund (Twitter @NolaAbortionFnd)

    A Fund, Inc.
    Kentucky Health Justice Network

    South Dakota: 
    Justice Empowerment Network (Twitter @JENSouthDakota)

    Arkansas Abortion Support Network

    Other national resources: 

    State-by-state tracker:

    Where abortion stands in your state

  • 06/08/2022 8:36 PM | 107ist Admin (Administrator)

    The Portland Thorns and Timbers Front Office have been posting updates about their Accountability, Engagement and Equity Initiatives over the last few months. If you're not familiar with their plans, you can read them here. Our understanding is that the FO will update the website as shareable progress is made — and that an update coming in the next few days.

    The Timbers Army, Rose City Riveters, and 107IST board have created a side-by-side comparison of the changes the PTFC FO have outlined or completed with the supporter demands posted in October 2021. We will update this graphic to help communicate the status of our demands in comparison to ongoing FO efforts as progress is made.

    Take a look at the list here.

    The 107IST board is meeting next with the PTFC FO on Wednesday, June 15, and we will continue to advocate for transparency, accountability, and updates to their initiatives. If you have questions or concerns you would like the board to address with the FO during these meetings, please email the board or fill out this form

    We also encourage supporters to email concerns or feedback directly to the FO through your ticket rep at or
  • 05/26/2022 2:33 PM | Rachel Greenough (Administrator)

    I’m going to be straightforward here. It’s a tough time for many of us, and there is a great deal of need everywhere we look. We’re also at a point where it has become difficult for some of us to engage with our clubs in the ways we are used to. We’re feeling that impact on our donation drives, and especially the book drive we have held the past two months.

    The time has come to wrap up this drive for the young people of Portland, via and their Books not Bars programs. We need your help to increase the impact of this drive, so we're issuing one last challenge and multiple ways to donate! 

    1- Bring a new book to Fanladen during member hours on 6/1, leave your info with the folks there, and you’ll be entered in our raffle. You'll also get a donation drive merit badge just for fun.

    2- You can also donate dollars directly to A generous 107IST member has offered to match the first $250 raised for this organization! Please email a screenshot of your receipt to We’ll record your donation for the funding match and enter you in the raffle! Please donate by Saturday 6/4.

    If you choose to donate books, please donate new books for ages 6–18 that support authors from Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities. 

    A random donor will have their name drawn on 6/5 for prizes including a Christine Sinclair-signed mini soccer ball, a Timbers scarf, or other fun items TBD.

    Let’s get it done!

  • 04/26/2022 8:49 PM | Darren Lloyd (Administrator)

    In May, support Street Roots! And see below for a bonus opportunity to continue supporting PDX

    We will be collecting donations any time that Fanladen is open. This includes membership hours, pre-game, and (in some cases) post-game. Check the weekly newsletter or social media for updates and open hours.

    Since 1999, Street Roots has been publishing a weekly newspaper in Portland, and employing vendors to sell that paper. Street Roots vendors are independent contractors who are experiencing homelessness and poverty. By selling papers for Street Roots, these vendors not only make an income, but they become a part of the organization’s advocacy. Their voices and experiences heavily influence how Street Roots advocates for systemic change. This organization also publishes the Rose City Resource, which exhaustively lists resources and services for people experiencing homelessness and poverty.

    We’re collecting in May this year to help Street Roots prepare for the heat of summer. Specifically, please donate: sunscreen, sun hats, reusable cooling towels, misters/personal fans, aloe vera, sunscreen chapstick, reusable water bottles, and bottled water. Please only donate new or like-new items. 

    Tina Drake, vendor liaison for Street Roots, says "We at street roots strive to create a comfortable environment for our vendors at all times. This sometimes includes them selling in inclement weather.  Any donations brought by you ... will be made available to our vendors to keep them safe during these strange and unusual times during the Portland and Oregonian weather changes.  Thank you from street roots."

    If you’re not attending games or it’s tough to get to Fanladen, you can also donate to Street Roots via their Amazon wishlist or donate financially online.

    Bonus opportunity!

    We are also continuing to collect books for This organization runs many local programs for young people, and focuses on literacy with programs like Books not Bars. “ mission is to motivate, inspire and empower youth, family, and educators to dismantle the school to prison pipeline by challenging existing systems and structures.” They are collecting books to put directly into the hands of young people in Portland. Please donate new books that are culturally specific and relevant, and support authors from Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities. New fiction and nonfiction books are needed for ages 6-18. We are continuing the drive through May in hopes of getting some additional donations to support their programs.

    What: Donation drive for Street Roots and

    Where: Fanladen, 1633 SW Alder

    When: Anytime it’s open, usually Wednesday nights and match days

  • 03/30/2022 3:26 PM | Wendy Broussard (Administrator)

    In February, we sent out survey to 107IST Members about the relationship between the 107IST and the Front Office.  Relations right now are in a challenging place and a survey is a good way to understand where members are at and influence actions the 107IST takes.  We want to share the results of the survey with you. Thank you for taking the time to share your perspective!

    Key takeaways from the survey:

    Trust is very low with the Front Office.  

    • 85% of respondents don’t trust the Timbers and Thorns Organization (Front Office) to be transparent with supporters
    • 83% of respondents don’t trust the Front Office to hold employees accountable for their behavior
    • 88% of respondents disapprove of the Front Office halting meetings with the 107IST Board.  

    There is caution about NWSL and MLS’s willingness to act if the Front Office violated league policies.

    • 17% approve of the NWSL’s handling of the league’s abuse investigations, 33% are neutral (3 on the scale of 1-5).  Only 20% think the league will act if violations are found and 27% are neutral
    • 35% of respondents think MLS will act if violations are found and 35% are neutral

    The next question asked about the importance of the demands the 107IST made to the Front Office are to you.  Thoughts on what is important can change over time, so this is a good temperature check to see where supporters are at:

    • All the demands continue to be important
    • Player safety is the most important consideration and the implementation of a player approved safety and accountability plan is top of the list
    • Transparency continues to be an area of concern; vetting personnel, disclosure of who is leading investigations, demonstration of player involvement in hiring of coaching staff, and other areas
    • Most of you do not believe the 107IST’s demands are met. This highest agreement comes from the Thorns hiring of a separate general manager at 38%

    Many of you took the time to provide comments which we appreciate.  

    • Very few respondents said the 107IST to stop protesting
    • Midway through the survey, response window, it was announced a meeting was on the calendar and some of the respondents shared that they were encouraged by this shift.
    • Very strong sentiments about ownership and front office changes
    • Responses were mixed on keeping protests at the same level or escalating

    The word cloud below represents the responses of the 107 respondents who offered their thoughts in a freeform box.  The more words are used, the larger and closer to the center they will appear.

    Timeline Description automatically generated

    Survey background:

    The survey was open February 16th-23rd and all 107IST members received an email link to the survey.  357 members responded to the survey, approximately 10% of the membership.  

  • 03/30/2022 12:21 PM | 107ist Admin (Administrator)

    By Dominique Whittaker

    One of the many strategic initiatives set by the 107IST board in 2021 was the creation of a Member Code of Conduct. This would be separate from the Away Travel Code of Conduct, and it would outline the expectations of members, behaviors/actions that are not tolerated, and what repercussions could be faced as a result. This effort kicked off by evaluating the existing away code of conduct, the PTFC Fan Code of Conduct, as well as independent research of other instances of codes of conduct across other supporters groups and within other sports.

    At the 2021 annual general meeting (AGM), the Member Code of Conduct was a breakout session. Two separate groups of members provided their initial thoughts, reactions, concerns, and feedback about whether a Member Code of Conduct was warranted, and what the scope should be and what it shouldn't be. Many of these members then raised their hands to continue being a part of the effort to draft a code of conduct in the weeks following the AGM. In collaboration with a group of volunteers, including AGM breakout session attendees and the BIPOC Advisory Group, we produced a draft document that was shared with the Timbers Army Steering Committee and Riveters Steering Committee for feedback. It was also sent to 107IST members to view and provide feedback in the newsletters during May 2021. After a few additional rounds of feedback, as well as sharing it with the Front Office during monthly meetings, it was finally presented to the board to vote on adopting in October 2021 and presented at the 2022 AGM. You may have noticed the soft rollout recently as you browsed your member profile; going forward, when renewing your 107IST membership, you'll be asked to review and acknowledge that you have read the Member Code of Conduct and agree to adhere to it as a 107IST member.

    If you haven't read the document recently, or just want a refresher of what the contents of the Code of Conduct are, you can read it here. This is intended to be the starting point that articulates who we are and what we expect from one another, and potential repercussions for being found in violation of this Code of Conduct. The next step is to contract with experts in grievance process work and to establish our grievance process. We are currently receiving bids on this work and will keep members updated on next steps in this regard.

    Thank you to everyone across the Timbers Army Steering Committee, Riveters Steering Committee, BIPOC Advisory Group for their input and feedback. Special thanks to Nicholas Garner, Kris Goss, Marty Ochs, Marrion Skinner, Ashley Holmer, Dirk Bokeloh, and David Auxier for their time and thought in putting this document together.

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