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107IST BOARD Elections

1/30 UPDATE:

Congratulations to the winner of this year’s elections:

  • Tiffany Andrews

Tiffany’s terms begin on February 1, 2025, and finishes on January 31, 2027.

We’re also pleased to announce this year’s committee-nominated candidates to one-year terms on the board starting on February 1, 2025 and finishing on January 31, 2026:

  • Tina Ettlin: Riveters Steering Committee

  • Imran Qureshi: Timbers Army Steering Committee

  • Lindy Lacson: BIPOC Committee

Thank you to all who voted.

As their terms come to an end — on behalf of the board, the steering committees and the members —  thank you to Sherrilynn “Sheba” Rawson-Ybarra and Rachel Greenough for their dedication to the organization.

1/21 UPDATE:

Ballots have been sent out! Please check your spam folder, as we're hearing that some of them landed there. You have until noon on January 29th to vote!

If you have not received yours and think you should be eligible to vote email


For 2025 elections, we'll have one candidate running. There were/ are two open seats. Applications for candidates were open until 5:00 PM on January 7.

  • Important: You must be a member of the 107IST by December 31, 2024, to be eligible to run for the board and/or to vote.


  • Ballots will be sent out on January 21 to all member eligible to vote
  • Voting will end at noon on January 29, and results announced on January 30.

Ask questions on Discord!

This year we are pivoting away from the old forums, and towards the thriving 107IST Discord. If you are not yet on the Discord, keep an eye out for a separate email coming to you today which should have information about how to join. Discord will function just like the old forums, they'll provide you with space to ask questions to and get to know Tiffany. 

2025 107IST Board of Directors Candidates

The following individual has submitted applications to be on the ballot for the 107IST Board of Directors.

Candidates are listed in alphabetical order:

Candidate Name: Tiffany Andrews

Please list boards and committees that you serve on, or have served on: