1/30 UPDATE:
Congratulations to the winner of this year’s elections:
Tiffany’s terms begin on February 1, 2025, and finishes on January 31, 2027. We’re also pleased to announce this year’s committee-nominated candidates to one-year terms on the board starting on February 1, 2025 and finishing on January 31, 2026:
Thank you to all who voted. As their terms come to an end — on behalf of the board, the steering committees and the members — thank you to Sherrilynn “Sheba” Rawson-Ybarra and Rachel Greenough for their dedication to the organization. |
1/21 UPDATE:
Ballots have been sent out! Please check your spam folder, as we're hearing that some of them landed there. You have until noon on January 29th to vote!
If you have not received yours and think you should be eligible to vote email elections@107ist.org
For 2025 elections, we'll have one candidate running. There were/ are two open seats. Applications for candidates were open until 5:00 PM on January 7.
This year we are pivoting away from the old forums, and towards the thriving 107IST Discord. If you are not yet on the Discord, keep an eye out for a separate email coming to you today which should have information about how to join. Discord will function just like the old forums, they'll provide you with space to ask questions to and get to know Tiffany.
The following individual has submitted applications to be on the ballot for the 107IST Board of Directors.
Candidates are listed in alphabetical order:
Candidate Name: Tiffany Andrews
Please list boards and committees that you serve on, or have served on:
I am currently a member of the SWANA-Beaver Chapter Board. Within my company, I am a member of the following committees: Wellness, Heath and Safety, Quality, Project Manager Training, and Young Professionals (which I founded and developed with a small team).
Biographical information (107IST-related and professional):
I am a Portland born project manager for an employee owned engineering firm. Our office focus is environmental services. I have worked there for 15 years. I worked my way from an entry level field technician to the position I am in now. I manage a team of five and 34 projects that vary in size. I was recognized by my company by my ability to smooth things over in difficult situations and am now the Client Service Manager/Representative for our company for a large international client. I have now been on the SWANA- Beaver Chapter board after being recruited for two years. This year I helped plan and run two large events with being the lead on one of them. I have been part of the 107ists since 2016 though I attended matches before that time. I have helped paint tifos, pull ropes (once), and hand out wristbands (Game Day Ops). Over the past year I have attended all but two board meetings when I was on work travel or there was issues with invites. I do attend almost every home Timbers match and most home thorns matches. I was able to attend even more T2 matches this year as well. I am heavily involved in Patch Patrol though not 107ist related.State your objectives as a 107IST board member:
How do you feel 107IST members would benefit from your involvement with the board:
I am good at managing all types of people, projects, and budgets. I am also willing to give time to make my time of the board a success. I feel diving in and taking ownership is huge in the overall success of anything and that a good board is made up of all different types of people with varying opinions. In addition, I really nerd out on spreadsheets and checklists. I have also finally found the art of delegation to be very useful. A big thing is I communicate with all sides of the divide and see all points of view though I might not agree with them all. With the cautious approach with the second front office, there seems to be some upcoming navigation where I might be able to help out. The transition of three sections from GA to reserved will also add a lot of interesting situations. I want to give back!
Conflicts of Interest: None