107 (Section 107)
Pronounced one-oh-seven
The section in the stadium where the Timbers Army began.
107IST (107 Independent Supporters Trust)
Pronounced one-oh-seven-ist
A non-profit umbrella organization that exists so the Timbers Army and Rose City Riveters can combine resources to support the Portland Timbers and the Portland Thorns, respectively. For more information about the 107IST, visit www.107ist.org.
1919 (SW Morrison St)
The No Pity Originals and RivetGear pop-up shop that was open mid- to late-2023.
Axe & Rose, The
As-of February 2024, the physical home of the 107IST, Timbers Army, and Rose City Riveters, at 1737 SW Morrison St, Portland, Oregon. The move to this building in early 2024 brought all of the functions and spaces of the 107IST, Timbers Army, and Rose City Riveters together under one roof. The name was voted on by 107IST membership and announced at the Annual General Meeting on Saturday, April 6, 2024.
A former pub at 1981 W Burnside St, Portland, Oregon, that was spiritual home of the Timbers Army from 2001 through 2012.
Pronounced cap-oh
Plural = capos
A supporter who helps lead the chants during matches. Capos are positioned on the "main stage" and in "nests" located along the bottom of the North End.
Cascade Rangers
The original name of the Timbers Army; the letters CR in our crest is a nod to this part of our history.
Cascadia Cup
An annual trophy awarded by supporters to the Cascadia team with the best overall record against the other Cascadian teams. Cascadia refers to a bio-region that includes the cities of Portland, Oregon; and Seattle, Washington; and Vancouver, British Columbia. The Portland Timbers won the Cascadia Cup in 2009, 2010, 2012, 2017, and 2022.
Commissioner’s Cup
An annual trophy awarded to the team with the best, regular season record in the USSF Division 2. The Portland Timbers won the Commissioner's Cup in 2004 and 2009.
CPL (Canadian Premier League)
A professional soccer league for men's teams in Canada.
DnT (Drums and Trumpet Corps)
A group of supporters who play drums and trumpets to help lead chants during matches. DnT stands and plays in section 106 in the stadium.
?-February 2024, the physical home of the 107IST. The facility was located at 1633 SW Alder St, Portland, Oregon.
GDO (Game Day Operations)
Refers to the committees that collectively lead the game day atmosphere: capos, DnT, flag crew, and tifo/rigging crew.
The name of the beer hall/event space at The Axe & Rose, announced in 2025.
ISC (Independent Supporter's Council)
A collective of independent supporters groups for teams in the United States and Canada. ISC has representation from SGs across various leagues including MLS, NWSL, USL, NPSL, WPSL, NISA, and CPL. The Timbers Army was a founding member of ISC.
Main Stage
A raised platform in the North End above the players' entrance tunnel onto the pitch. It spans part of Section 108 and all of Section 107. Capos are positioned on the main stage to help lead chants. There is also a smoke bucket on the main stage to hold the smoke grenades deployed when a goal is scored. Some matches have a main stage banner that has been painted and deployed off of the stage by the tifo crew.
MLS (Major League Soccer)
A professional soccer league for men's teams that is considered the first tier in the United States and Mexico. The Portland Timbers have played as an MLS team since 2011.
An annual trophy awarded by MLS to the MLS team that wins the championship match.
NEU (North End Ultra)
North End
A nickname for the Timbers Army sections (101-108 and 201-208) in the stadium which are located behind the North End goal. You don't have to be a member of the 107IST to have tickets in the North End but we'd love to have you join us!
NASL (North American Soccer League)
A professional soccer league for men's teams in North America that operated from 1968-1984. The Portland Timbers were an expansion NASL team that started in 1975 and played in the league from 1975-1982
NISA (National Independent Soccer Association)
A professional soccer league for men's teams that is considered the third tier in United States soccer.
A fan-designed, classic Timbers Army scarf which is sold at/near cost and was traditionally sold on a fan-to-fan basis. In 2010, demand for the No Pity Scarf was so high that it was also made available for purchase at the TA Trailer/NPO Van. In 2016, demand for the No Pity Scarf was so high (after the Portland Timbers won the 2015 MLS Cup) that the NPO Scarf was made available for purchase through the NPO website.
Limited edition, "special fringe" No Pity scarves are occasionally made and sold to commemorate or fundraise for certain events. The black fringe on the ends of the scarf are replaced by various fringe colors.
NPO (No Pity Originals)
The merchandise brand of the Timbers Army.
NPO Van (No Pity Originals Van)
The successor to the TA Trailer. NPO merchandise is sold here on match days. The van occasionally makes appearances in and around Portland to sell NPO merchandise or help support our community-based partners and outreach efforts.
NWSL (National Women's Soccer League)
A professional soccer league for that is considered the first tier in United States soccer.
NPSL (National Premier Soccer League)
A semi-professional soccer league for men's teams in the United States.
A nickname for the stadium when it was called PGE Park.
PTFC (Portland Timbers Football Club)
The MLS team from Portland, Oregon.
RCTID (Rose City 'Til I Die)
Rose City is a nickname for the city of Portland, Oregon. RCTID is a common phrase used as shorthand for supporting the Portland Timbers and/or the city of Portland.
SCUSA (Soccer City U.S.A.)
Pronounced Skoo-sa
1) Soccer City, U.S.A., is a nickname for the city of Portland, Oregon, which has a robust soccer culture.
2) A nickname for the website www.SoccerCityUSA.com; its now-defunct forums used to be a hotbed of online conversations for the TA.
SG (Supporters Group)
A collective of individuals who support a team. The Timbers Army is an example of a SG.
See "Woodshed."
SWIWS (So What If We Suck)
TA (Timbers Army)
That's us! We're a supporters group for the Portland Timbers Football Club. We're an all-volunteer, self-funded group that is independent of the Portland Timbers team, staff, and owners. We help create the match day atmosphere in the stadium through our use of chants, drum and trumpets, flags, smoke bombs, and tifo. Formal membership in the TA is through the 107IST.
The term TA is used in many ways and may refer to an individual who identifies as an informal or formal member of the Timbers Army, our supporter group, the Timbers Army Steering Committee, and/or the sections in the stadium where we stand.
TA Trailer
The predecessor to the NPO Van. NPO merchandise was sold here on match days.
TASC (Timbers Army Steering Committee)
A Committee that leads game day operations (including capos, DnT, flag crew, and tifo/rigging crew), merchandise (No Pity Originals), and communications for the Timbers Army. TASC works closely with other committees under the 107IST umbrella and the 107IST Board of Directors. Statements and social media posts on official TA accounts are made by TASC.
Twitter: @timberarmy
Instagram: @officialtimbersarmy
Pronounced tee-foe
A visual, choreographed display of materials including banners, signs and flags. Small tifo such as rail banners or two sticks might be made by individuals fans while larger displays are designed, painted, and deployed by the TA tifo crew. Learn more about our tifos here.
Timber Jim
The mascot of the Portland Timbers from 1978-1980 and again from 2001-2008. His chainsaws are retired over the North End.
Timber Joey
The mascot of the Portland Timbers since Timber Jim retired in 2008.
USOC (U.S. Open Cup or Open Cup)
Pronounced you-sock
An annual tournament that is open to professional, semi-professional, and amateur men's teams in the United States. As-of 2024, MLS teams are not participating in USOC.
USL (United Soccer League)
1) A semi-professional soccer league for men's team in the United States that operated from 1984-1985.
2) An organizer of soccer leagues that has been in operation since 1986. The Portland Timbers were a USL team from 2001-2010.
USSF (United States Soccer Federation)
Commonly referred to as US Soccer, USSF is the official governing body of soccer in the United States.
WACS (Western Alliance Challenge Series)
FC Portland was one of four indepent teams that created this series due to the failure of the NASL and USL. See also WSL.
Wee Terrace
A fenced-off area at the top of Section 107. It is designated for GDO use only (e.g. staging tifo).
The now-defunct official Timbers Army/107IST fanzine.
An older nickname for the Timbers Army sections in the stadium. See "North End."
WPSL (Women's Premier Soccer League)
An amateur soccer league for women's teams in the United States.
WSL (Western Soccer League)
A professional soccer league for men's teams in the western half of the United States. FC Portland resurrected the NASL name and became the Portland Timbers in the WSL and played in the league from 1989-1990.