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About tonight's Cascadia Cup match

08/26/2022 10:25 AM | 107ist Admin (Administrator)

The following is a message from the Timbers Army Steering Committee.

Seattle’s Emerald City Supporters (ECS) published a blog post on 8/25/22 admonishing the Timbers Front Office for multiple missteps in their handling of sexual assault and domestic violence allegations involving players and coaching staff. The post also mentioned that ECS reached out to the Timbers Army about coordinating an in-stadium action during the match.

The steering committee felt that a shared action or protest at this time would be viewed as an escalation and damage conversations between the 107IST board and Front Office, distract from the progress the board and Front Office are making on last fall’s list of demands, as well as detract from our support of the players. We responded to ECS on 8/17 stating, "GDO says sincere thanks for the offer but are not ready for a massive coordinated protest at this time (though there will be plenty of protest in the stands and you are welcome to do the same at whatever level you’re comfortable with). We are also very interested in collaboration around healthcare in the long-term."

The Timbers Army appreciates a diversity of tactics to drive change and are grateful that ECS reached out to us to discuss this matter. We continue to discuss our options with all supporters groups while also supporting the efforts of 107IST to continue our push for accountability and transparency from the Timbers and Thorns Front Office.


  • 08/26/2022 1:47 PM | Anonymous
    Can the steering committee provide some specifics on the status of conversations with the FO? Seems like we should be escalating if there hasn’t been meaningful progress. Silence is not the correct path in my opinion.
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    • 08/26/2022 2:33 PM | Anonymous
      I agree 100% with adam. Especially in light of what was most recently reported by The Oregonian. It seems to me from the out looking in, that this was a lost opportunity to make a lot of noise and bring more needed coverage to the culture of this FO. Initiatives are meaningless at the hands of misogynistic pigs. No one from the FO has taken responsibility for their actions. What am I missing, other than another organization trying to stay in power... If this is not a big enough issue to blow sh*t up for, than what is?
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      • 08/26/2022 4:31 PM | Anonymous
        Full agree with both Adam and Sandra. I feel like this was a missed opportunity.
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  • 08/27/2022 6:49 PM | Travis Chesney
    Another lackluster effort from the 107ist who choose to stay in good graces with the FO instead of listening to the fans. This is the same message that came out when the investigations began, when the further reports came out and each day following. The 107ist keeps deferring to "the FO is doing all they can and taking steps."

    I love the Timbers but the fact is, we are the only group with the power to actually put a stop to systemic misogyny within the organization.
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  • 08/28/2022 10:55 PM | John Acerbi
    To quote from: Leftist Cassandra @ScrambledMeggs [on Twitter]
    It’s POSSIBLE for BOTH things to be true here. A bad/disappointing/betraying decision from our leadership AND a bad-faith, carefully-timed, self-aggrandizing spin on that decision from our rivals. One doesn’t make the other OK. Turn the heat down until we have the facts. #rctid

    Me: it was hard for me to accept their "offer" without seeing heavy overtones of cynicism and yet another opportunity to disparage PTFC. Thanks but no thanks.
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  • 08/29/2022 9:57 AM | Kevin Murphy
    I respect the ECS for their actions in the stand and especially for bringing the banner on the field for the Cup presentation.

    However, their actions didn't move the bar. Continual noise is fine, but if we want to hold the FO accountable for their promises, our actions need to be thoughtful, strategic and calculated with a coordinated media plan and sponsor write-in campaign.

    A prolonged campaign of minor annoyance is not going to create allies.
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  • 08/29/2022 3:02 PM | John Acerbi
    Still, I have a hard time not seeing their "help" as cynically insincere, especially after the board told them, no thank you.
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  • 08/30/2022 1:36 PM | Anonymous
    Asking again. Can 107ist provide any information to members and the general public as to the status of conversations with the FO? I believe that some transparency to membership would be quite helpful right now.
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