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The Riveters Steering Committee Meets with the Bhathals

02/06/2024 11:26 AM | Sam Prince (Administrator)

This is a statement posted on behalf of the Rose City Riveters Steering Committee:

On Monday, February 5th, members of the Rose City Riveters Steering Committee met with the Bhathal family after their formal introductory press conference. As the Thorns enter a new era, so too does our relationship with a new Front Office. 

The Bhathals were attentive to the history of the club, engaged with a wide vision for what the club can be, and incredibly appreciative of the culture of the North End. The discussion was positive and productive. There was a free exchange of ideas and feedback between the Riveters Steering Committee and the Bhathals.

They spoke about their listening tour this year while also building out their staff for the business side to be less dependent on the Timbers staff, which has been brought up in previous interviews. They are also wanting to learn more about the culture we have in the North End and throughout the Park so they can connect more with our community. 

We maintain a stance of cautious optimism, and are excited to see what kind of a relationship will be fostered moving forward. 


  • 02/06/2024 4:57 PM | Steve Rogers
    Thank you for the update! Can you elaborate on the exchange of ideas? Was anything substantial discussed?

    Also, what are the next steps? When will you be meeting again?
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    • 02/07/2024 6:49 PM | Anonymous
      What was described as the culture of the North End, enmass since the Atlantic?
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