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Second Annual Two-Stick Party Recap

09/08/2016 2:22 PM | 107ist Admin (Administrator)
—by Michelle Deford

On Saturday, August 27th, 2016, the Timbers Army hosted their second annual two-stick party, this time to take down Seattle. Now, when we have this talk, someone usually asks, “What is a two stick?” Imagine you are at a Timbers game. The anthem has just been sung, “…and the home, of the… TIMBERS!!!!!!” and everyone around you is going nuts. These two dudes in front of you told you they had something they were going to hold up, but it wouldn’t be up during the game and it wouldn’t be up for very long. Suddenly, there is a giant piece of fabric in front of you with two PVC pipes on each side.

“Is this… a Drake CD cover?” (Note: This is an actual two-stick made last time.)

That’s a two-stick.

Maybe you have seen some of the amazing pieces the PTFC Moderates have done, or you’ve caught a few glimpses of the things that come from 208, or 106, or anywhere really. That’s the beautiful thing about art in the TA: ANYONE CAN DO IT.

The day before Seattle at home, we had more than 20 people come out to the tifo garage and paint two-sticks. The tifo crew very graciously let us use their location, paint, and brushes, and they even bought us blank canvases to use. People brought in all kinds of designs. We had a lot of Cups, a Ridgy Tootsie Roll, some emojis, a few superheroes, and a lot of fun.



  • 09/28/2016 2:24 PM | 107ist Admin (Administrator)
    Karen Gjerning says:
    Thursday, September 8, 2016 at 10:13 pm

    It was a great time. The Tifo crew make it so easy to be creative.

    This was my scone two stuck party and I will definitely do more!
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