—by Garrett Dittfurth
So how does everyone like the re-launched webpage after giving it a spin for a week? Among the other things we added this here blog and they’ve gone and given a few of us the keys to it. I bet you’re wondering how this is all going to turn out. The answer is that it’s largely up to you. We might have match reports at some point but that’s not really the idea. This is the going to be a collection of posts put together by the Timbers Army as a whole. We want submissions from you to complement the posts from our team of highly skilled bloggers who I control like marione…nevermind. They’re very good.
Submissions can be about anything you want but keep in mind this is the blog of the Timbers Army. Let’s try and keep submissions related to the Timbers, Timbers Army, or soccer in general.
To start…how about Hajduk Split supporters celebrating their first 100 years?