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2017 American Heart Association Heartwalk

  • 05/20/2017
  • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Portland International Raceway

Timbers Army CPR is assembling a team to walk in the 2017 American Heart Association (AHA) Heart & and Stroke Walk at Portland International Raceway on 5/20/2017.

Sign up here: 

Timbers Army CPR teaches the AHA "Heartsaver" CPR/AED class for free monthly at Providence Park with the support of American Medical Response (AMR), the 107ist and Portland Timbers FC. The Heart Walk helps raise money toward research for heart attack and stroke prevention. We're recruiting people to donate toward our fundraising goal of $3000 and/or join our team to get your friends to sponsor you and walk on 5/20/2017. Both AMR and the AHA have been integral in helping Timbers Army CPR train 543 citizen lifesavers since 2013. All walkers and those who donate $25 or more will receive a Timbers Army CPR/AMR Heart Walk T-shirt and the exclusive TACPR Merit Badge. You can only get this badge from donating to and/or participating in the walk. Challenge your family, your friends at work, your friends in your Timbers Army seat section or the section closest to you. Last year, we had a combined 43 donors and walkers (32 people walked) who participated as a part of our Timbers Army CPR/AMR Portland 2016 American Heart Association Heart Walk team. We raised over $4000 for heart attack, stroke, prevention and awareness. The Timbers Army team really represented last year! Our team was the 8th highest fundraiser out of 100 teams!! Of the 32 people who walked, there was our friend John Acerbi who just 65 days earlier survived a cerebral stroke. He and his wife walked together. This year we'll have flags and drums! Let's show them what our little army can do!!

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