The following is a guest blog post written by Maresa Kelly from Outside In, the organization we have selected for our 2024 Prideraiser campaign. Please read this post and learn about both their history and the work they do, and then consider joining the campaign.
Outside In was founded in 1968 on the Summer Solstice, making us 56 years old this year. We were one of the first free community health clinics in the United States. We’re a federally qualified health center, meaning we’re a healthcare home for everyone, regardless of their gender identity, insurance or immigration status, or their ability to pay.

Our mission is to help homeless youth and other marginalized people move towards improved health and self-sufficiency. Our spaces are welcoming for everyone, we’re affirming of all identities, and we’re committed to serving our clients without judgment. We offer wrap around, low-barrier services, through a harm reduction lens. From warm meals, to housing services, to education and employment support, to medical and behavioral health services, Outside In is committed to serving the whole person and meeting them where they are.

At Outside In, we believe that everyone deserves great healthcare that understands and supports who they are, especially when it comes to gender identity. We are dedicated to supporting our LGBTQIA+ and gender diverse community with specialized services tailored to their unique needs. Our inclusive and affirming approach ensures that every individual feels seen, heard, and valued. From healthcare and counseling to community outreach and advocacy, we provide comprehensive support to help our clients thrive. We believe in providing holistic support for our LGBTQIA+ clients through:
Primary Medical Care
• Access to gender affirming hormones
• Surgical and other medical referrals to support gender identity
• Letters of support for gender affirming surgery
Community Resources
• Information, referrals to legal aid, and financial assistance for gender expansive clients navigating legal name/gender marker changes
• Information and referrals for food, clothing, housing, and other resources
• Identity-affirming activities to build community among queer youth experiencing houselessness
Housing Resources
• Available for young people, ages 16 through 24, who are eligible for the Multnomah County Homeless Youth Continuum

About 36% of the approximately 10,000 clients and patients served through Outside In’s Clinic and Health Services, Behavioral Health Services, and Youth Services programs self-identify as transgender or gender-diverse. Our commitment to gender-expansiveness is evident among our staff as well, with 23% of staff also self-identifying as transgender or gender-diverse.

No matter where someone is on their unique gender journey, our goal is to support them with respect and dignity. Right now, thanks to our friends at the Ed Cauduro Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation, when you show your support for our LGBTQIA+ programs, all donations (up to $25,000) will be doubled! That's twice the impact - and a lot to be proud of!
This Pride month, will you help us send a strong message of hope to queer youth experiencing homelessness? Visit our website to learn more and give a gift today.
Note from the Riveters: Prideraiser is a fun way to join supporters across the country in supporting LGBTQ+ communities. Please visit our Prideraiser page and make a pledge per goal scored in June. At the end of the month, you'll get a reminder to complete your donation to Outside In.