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Get Ready for the Season this Thursday!

02/27/2017 4:08 PM | 107ist Admin (Administrator)

The schedule isn’t ready yet, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be. The season’s fast approaching- we’ve even been gifted a date and time for our first game.

But before the roar of the crowd begins, before the flags are unfurled and the capos take their place, preparation must take place. Ignoring the sheer amount of time, tears, and cheap liquor that goes into tifo painting and planning, there’s also a cost. The fabric on which the images are raised, the paint in which it is etched. As the standard bearer for fans of women’s soccer, we like to dedicate all we can to the effort.

So I ask that you join us, and the wonderful Whipsaws FC, who raising for their trip to the World Masters Games, which is happening this year in New Zealand. The date? March 2, a Thursday. Pre-sale tickets are available from now until noon, the day of the event for $15 and the processing fee. Tickets for minors are available for 5$, and tickets at the door will be 20$. The ticket allows you entrance, all the food you can eat, and two drink tickets. There will be additional drink tickets available for purchase inside, but the entire event will be cash only, so make sure you’re prepared. It will run from 6 to 9, and there will be time for those of you who enjoy trading to swap scarves, patches, and the like. For those of you who plan to hit up the Timbers Army event, a group will brave the half mile walk to Cider Riot after the event.

The drinks list is more than decent. Lagunitas alone has provided Pilsner, an IPA, New Dog Town Pale Ale, Stoopid Wit, Aunt Sally Sour, and Little Something. Columbia Distributing has provided a Crest Match Day Red Blend if you fancy a touch of wine. 2 Towns has offered their Rhubarbarian for those of you who prefer ciders, there will also be San Pellegrino Limonata there for those of you who prefer to avoid alcohol altogether, legally should, or just aren’t in the mood. There will also be food there to mop it all up. All of the donors were incredibly generous in their offerings.

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