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Fanladen cleaning and prep

  • 01/05/2019
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • 1633 SW Alder St., Portland, OR 97205


  • clean up the membership and swag materials in the "other" side of the fanladen

Registration is closed

The OTHER side of the fanladen is going to be painted and improved for use this season, and we can use your help! Specifically, we're looking to do the following:

  1. recycle outdated membership flyers and materials
  2. organize existing membership materials for use this year (including previous years' membership swag, stickers, and mailing materials)
  3. organize pre-ordered swag (scarves etc that have already been paid for but not picked up) and label
  4. move the above into the business side of the fanladen so they are out of the way of painters, who will be working next week

This work won't require a ton of heavy lifting, but it might include lifting some boxes weighing as much as 25 pounds or so. If this is something that wouldn't suit you, you might consider waiting a couple of weeks for membership packet stuffing with the Bad Knees Brigade.

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