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This is the Rose City Riveters blog, where members can submit blog posts. 

  • 05/31/2020 12:15 PM | 107ist Admin (Administrator)

    The Rose City Riveters are anti-racist. 

    We strongly oppose the systems of racism and injustice that have caused so many black deaths in our country and our communities. We continue to mourn the loss of black lives at the hands of police and others. 

    During this time of remarkable loss and fear, we recognize the hardship faced by people of color at all times. We encourage everyone to take action and speak up about what is happening in our communities. Listen to the voices of those who have lived this reality for their whole lives, and amplify them. Now is not the time for silence, and we are never silent. 

    The NWSL Supporters Code of Conduct states that “We will not tolerate hateful or discriminatory words of actions based on race, gender identity, sexuality, citizenship status or nationality, age, appearance, disability, religious or cultural identity.” This is a statement of values, both within our stadium and in our community. 

    Now is the time to take action on those values in support of black lives. In the coming days, we will be providing information and directing Riveters to ways they can help, both in Portland and nationally. 

    Please stay safe, be well, and speak up.


  • 05/29/2020 12:14 PM | 107ist Admin (Administrator)

    It started simply enough in mid-April: Organizations locally and around the country were begging for masks for their essential workers. Many folks were spending their time and money to sew as many as they could, but the demand was far greater than the thousands of crafters could meet. How can we as an organization help locally?, we asked. So we launched Project Face Masks. We were a bit reluctant at first: Could we really sell 1,000 masks? The response, however, blew our expectations completely out of the water.

    We sold that initial 1,000 masks in two hours — and 3,000 in 12 hours. The response was so incredible and the demand so great that we opened up another order … and then another.

    As of this writing, we have:

    • Donated 8,520 masks among 34 community organizations
      (Read a wonderful post by one of our recipients here.)
    • Sold a total of 13,840 masks

    Those orders came from 43 states and D.C., totaling 1,277 participants (76 percent of whom are 107IST members).

    We still have organizations who are hoping for masks, though. So, we’re making things even more enticing! From now through 9 p.m. (Pacific) on Sunday, May 31:

    • Donate a set of masks, and the 107IST will match the donation (up to 250). That’s right: For every set of 5 or 8 that you donate, we’ll double it. Order here.
    • Join or renew your membership, and we will donate five masks (unlimited).
    • AND here’s the kicker: Each person who donates masks, either through purchase or membership, will be entered into a raffle to win:
      • One pair of signed cleat from Rachel Buehler Van Hollebeke
      • One of three, signed Valeri bobbleheads
      • One of two, signed photobomb cutouts of Valeri
      • One of three, signed pictures of Chara, Clark, or Valeri
      • One of three, Timbers team-signed soccer balls

    Yes, multiple purchases and guest registrations get you multiple entries.

    This project has been an immense success, and we thank all of you for your support!

  • 05/27/2020 12:13 PM | 107ist Admin (Administrator)

    The Rose City Riveters will support the Portland Thorns from afar. This is not unprecedented. We are used to supporting the Portland Thorns on the road. What we are not used to is a season without in-person support.

    We will work to find new ways to support our club during the pandemic.

    Our primary concern is safety for all those involved with the NWSL tournament in Utah. We appreciate that the NWSL Players Association has been engaged with the League regarding the safety and player logistics around the tournament.

    Regardless of the format or location, the Riveters remain committed to supporting the Thorns in a genuine way that connects supporters to the players. What does Riveters’ support look like when we can’t be there in person? We exist to support the Thorns, not to look good on streams or TV broadcasts, not to create a gameday environment for other spectators. Over the last 7 seasons we have worked tirelessly to make Providence Park a fortress. We do not think this can or should be bottled and applied to another location without us.

    The Riveters oppose any artificial “gameday” experience with music or chants played over the stadium PA system or added to the broadcast for home viewers or anything that is not in person. We are the organic supporter response to what is happening in the match. Until supporters can safely attend matches we will not be providing any tifo or large displays for matches we cannot safely attend and execute ourselves.

    We look forward to being back in Providence Park, complete with drums, horns, flags and banners and most of all, our voices. We look forward to raising our voices together in support of our team. Until then, we will remain safely at a distance.

  • 05/20/2020 12:12 PM | 107ist Admin (Administrator)

    The following is a post from Rachel Greenough, Community Outreach committee member.

    This past Saturday, May 16th, would have been a home game for the Thorns against the newly rebranded OL Reign. I can just imagine the tifo that might have gone up that day. How many choruses of build a bonfire we would sing. Fanladen would have been open, and we were planning to collect match day donations for Grow Portland, a great organization that plants school gardens and does a ton of work with food resources and gardening in our communities. I can almost feel what it’s like to be in the stands for a game such as this.

    As Sheba and Gab have recently written, in much more eloquent words than my own, we miss that stadium and all of you — but the attention of the Rose City Riveters and Timbers Army are currently focused elsewhere. The “town” of “team, town, and TA/Riveters” is currently where our focus lies.

    A few weeks ago, I started reaching out to organizations to help gather information for mask distribution and grant applications. Every organization I reached was in need. Every individual spoke of the increasing needs in our community: how many more meals they’re serving, how hard it is to find shelter beds for women who need them, and how some populations are being left out of the resources offered by our city, state, and country. They all spoke of the importance of donations and support from the community.

    When we talk about community outreach from the 107IST, a frequent question is, “What can we offer?” Thanks to the generosity of our members, and the success of our merch teams, we can often support organizations with money or material donations. The biggest asset we possess, however, is our membership — a whole lot of people who care about the well-being of others in our community and are willing to help out when they can.

    You. You are the most valuable part of the 107IST.

    We are all in different spots right now. If you need help, we hope you will reach out to us via email or social media. We might be able to find help. If you are in a position to help others, we are here to facilitate that. When I reach out to organizations about masks or grants, I am also asking them what else they need. Do they need volunteers? How will those volunteers be kept safe? Do they need items? Do they have an online wishlist of vital needs? Do they need money to continue doing what they do in the community? The answer is yes.

    We have added pages to the 107IST and Riveters websites to list these needs and spread the word. As needs come in, we will post them on these pages. The idea is that this is a place you can go if you have time, money, or other donations to offer. All of these organizations are doing great work. They all need help. May would have been a big month for both teams: two home games for Timbers, four for the Thorns, rivalry games for both teams … Maybe some of those beer, cider, parking, transportation, or pizza dollars can go to one of these organizations.

    Thank you for joining us and doing what you can.

  • 05/14/2020 12:12 PM | 107ist Admin (Administrator)

    Check out a great opportunity here.

    At this moment of navigating uncharted waters together, the 107 Independent Supporters Trust has turned our focus to the “town” part of the “team, town, Timbers Army & Rose City Riveters” part of our mission. We may not be able to show our support in the stands, but we are working to support our communities.

  • 05/05/2020 12:11 PM | 107ist Admin (Administrator)

    This page contains information and requests from organizations in the greater Portland community. All of these orgs are doing remarkable work to keep people safe and healthy, and they have some specific needs in order to keep doing this work. The 107IST has received requests for volunteers, financial donations, and material donations. We know many people are not currently in a position to help, but wanted to pass this on for those who can. Please check back frequently, as we will keep this page updated with the most recent requests.

    Black Resilience Fund

    The Black Resilience Fund is an emergency fund dedicated to fostering healing and resilience by providing immediate resources to Black Portlanders. The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted the physical and financial health of Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities. And because of ongoing systemic racism, these communities have been denied the resources they need to close these inequitable disparities. Due to the recent murder of  George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis, there has been increased attention to racial injustice and the reality that we can close equity gaps if we do take action. The Black Resilience Fund (BRF) was created in response to endless headlines of Black pain, to leverage this difficult moment by inspiring Portlanders to show the best of themselves and build community. The BRF is an emergency fund that fosters healing and resilience for Black Portlanders facing the compounding impacts of a global pandemic, state violence, and systemic racism. 

    The fund is seeking direct donations via their GoFundMe in order to provide support to Black individuals. The organization is currently run by all-volunteer labor, so all donations will go to individuals in need of assistance. Visit the GoFundMe to donate financially.

    The Black Resilience Fund is a volunteer-driven movement to support Black Portlanders. There are volunteer opportunities in every aspect of operations, from intake to deliveries to fundraising and social media promotion. They are especially in need of volunteers who identify as Black or BIPOC to assist with intake and deliveries, i.e. direct interactions with Black Portlanders in need. Most of their more than 100 active volunteers participated from the safety of their own homes via online channels and via phone. Volunteers who make deliveries assume responsibility for their own safety, delivery vehicle and complying with COVID-19 precautions (i.e. wearing a face covering and gloves).To volunteer, fill out this application.

    Blanchet House

    Blanchet House provides meals and transitional shelter services for houseless and food insecure community members. Need has increased greatly due to the current crisis, and they are serving over 1,900 meals daily.  They need volunteers for meal service and clothing distribution. They also need material donations to help the people they serve.

    Volunteers wear masks and gloves while working, and all efforts are made to ensure social distancing. Help is needed Monday through Saturday. Contact for more information.

    Visit their COVID page for more information and procedures for donating food or material goods. There is also an Amazon wishlist of items that are in high demand for the population they serve. Find it here.

    Camp ELSO

    Camp ELSO is a community-based education nonprofit organization that uses the natural world to connect children and youth from underrepresented communities to Science- Technology- Engineering- Arts- Mathematics (STEAM).

    Our mission is to teach and frame STEAM and nature based education through a lens that centers and elevates the stories, ways of knowing, individual needs, and lived experience of Black and Brown communities. We provide culturally specific science camps, professional development activities, and community projects that invite children and youth of color to Experience Life Science Outdoors. 

    Camp ELSO accepts financial donations and has a wishlist of items that will directly support their camps, including a special camp this summer that will take place free of charge. Needed items include:8 pairs of binoculars (for use in urban forests, natural areas and parks), 50 Reusable grocery bags (for Distance Learning Kits to be sent home with campers), 8 Digital Cameras with memory cards (For Photojournalism Session July, 2020), 2 Laptop computers (for ensure reliable, effective communication between staff), Bicycles (for older youth, as alternative transportation to public transit). if you are able to help with any of these items.

    Equitable Giving Circle

    Equitable Giving Circle was launched during this crisis to support BIPOC Farmers and families. They purchase CSA food from farmers, and gift it to community members in need of fresh, healthy food. This group is 100% volunteer run and operated.

    They are in need of in kind donations of food, garden supplies, and backpack/school supplies. Contact for donation logistics. They are also in need of direct donations, and encourage us to share their fundraiser with others who might be able to give. 

    If anyone has a lead on a farm truck– one of the farms they work with needs a donation of a truck. Please contact the organization if you can help.

    Friendly House

    Friendly house provides services and programming for youth, families, and seniors, including the SAGE Metro Portland, a program dedicated to serving LGBT older adults. They have had to close their day center and end many programs that provided revenue, but are still serving their community by providing food and other essentials.  

    Friendly House is in need of  food and household supplies for their clients:  peanut butter, canned soups and vegetables, protein bars, cleaning supplies, paper products, dry cereal, pasta, rice. Contact

    They are also in need of financial support.


    Gather:Make:Shelter is a citywide collaborative art project with and for people experiencing houselessness and poverty. They are in need of financial donations to continue supporting their artists and others. Check out their website, which will continue to be updated with events and ways to be involved.

    Girls Inc. of the Pacific Northwest

    Girls Inc. of the Pacific Northwest inspires all girls and gender non-conforming youth to be strong, smart and bold. Through direct service, Girls Inc. builds safe spaces and fosters long-term mentoring relationships for youth living in low-income and historically under-resourced communities to develop their strengths, learn lasting skills, and take charge of their futures. 

    COVID-19 has heavily impacted the fundraising efforts of this group. They greatly appreciate direct donations, via their website.

    Grow Portland

    Grow Portland connects the community to the natural world and healthy food by creating and supporting school-based garden sites and engaging the community in gardening. They have responded to this crisis by pivoting to focus on food production in their learning gardens. Food produced is being delivered to school meal pantries and directly to families who need it. They continue to actively garden at 10 school sites, and harvested over 150 pounds of spring food last month. 

    They are waiting for permission to engage more volunteers at their sites, but interested volunteers can initially email

    In addition, they are in need of Amazon wishlist items (purchases do not need to be made via Amazon but it is an easy way to supply a general list of needs). They are always in need of gift cards to garden supplies stores, Home Depot, etc. to maintain garden sites. Donation drop offs can be coordinated individually by emailing as their office is currently closed.

    Hillsboro Farmers’ Markets

    Hillsboro Farmers’ Markets continue to operate during this time, providing a venue for over 200 local farmers to sell their product within the community. They are in need of volunteers on Saturdays and Sundays.Volunteers would help keep foot traffic at the agreed upon 100 people in market at a time; they would help assure everyone was observing social distancing and make sure everyone had masks. They can volunteer at

    Howard’s Heart

    Howard’s Heart supports teens and youth in foster care, ages 13-21. They work to go beyond the basics, and empower youth with a chance to speak for themselves. Howard’s Heart was founded with a mission to focus entirely on what the teens identify as their wants and needs. 

    COVID-19 has caused an increase in requests for basics like food, educational supplies, hygiene supplies, and clothes. The requests have nearly tripled, and funding has declined. The organization is worried about their ability to continue meeting the needs of the youth they work with.You can help out with this cause by purchasing items from the group’s Amazon wish list.

    Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO)

    Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization serves a variety of needs for individuals and families in our community. They are still providing a lot of direct and virtual services throughout the area, including basic needs and other needs like education, language services, and legal services. They need gloves, sanitizing wipes, and some larger items such as a large cooler for food delivery, and google chromebooks or tablets for education. Please contact if you wish to purchase and donate items. They are not accepting in-person donations at this time.

    Join PDX

    Join PDX helps families and individuals who are experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity to transition into permanent housing, and supports them to maintain stability. They continue to support their clients during this time through modified use of their dayspace and increased mobile and outreach services. 

    Join PDX are especially in need of financial donations to help continue this work, as the pandemic has put additional stressors on them. Visit this page to make a financial donation. They also have a detailed list of material needs and an amazon wishlist here.  They have noted a particular need for bottled water for their day space.

    Neighbors Helping Neighbors

    Neighbors Helping Neighbors provides trash bags and trash pick-up services for houseless communities in Portland. They also provide clothing, food, and other supplies needed by these communities. If you wish to contribute to their work, they have a list of most-needed items by season, and a link to a wishlist here.

    The Northwest Catholic Counseling Center

    The Northwest Catholic Counseling Center provides counseling services on a sliding scale to anyone who needs them regardless of financial situation, faith, background, personal situation, or employment. They are one of the few places around that provide truly affordable and accessible counseling and support, regardless of insurance. They continue to operate both virtually and in-person during this time. 

    NCC is struggling to secure enough disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, and furniture-safe disinfecting spray to keep the office safe for clients, staff, and visitors. Please contact if you would like to donate or can assist securing these items.

    Oregon Food Bank

    The needs met by the Oregon Food Bank continue to ramp up as more people find themselves needing food resources. They are working every day to adapt their food procurement and distribution models in response to the pandemic. 

    They are taking volunteers, and always need financial support (visit their website for more). In addition, they have asked to hear directly from anybody with a lead on companies that could provide transportation or storage opportunities.

    Oregon Workers’ Relief Fund (organized by Causa Oregon)

    Causa works to improve the lives of Latino immigrants and their families in Oregon. With COVID-19, Causa and other community partners were able to advocate at the state and local level for the Oregon Worker Relief Fund coalition. This coalition is working to provide temporary support to Oregon workers and their families who have been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic and would otherwise fall through the cracks of current community support and assistance. This fund directly supports individuals who do not have other access to such unemployment and other forms of support. The fund needs direct donations to help individuals. Please visit the workers’ relief fund page and give generously.


    P:ear is an organization that provides education, art, recreation, and job training to homeless youth. They are deeply committed to community building and empowerment of some of our community’s most vulnerable individuals- homeless young people. During this time, they are working to provide food and other supplies to anyone who needs them. They are serving over 250 meals per day. They are also hoping to reopen their community center as a safe space for youth as soon as they are able to do so safely.  

    P:ear is in need of volunteers and donations, including volunteers who can help from home by baking food or sewing masks.They also need donations of tents, sleeping bags, burrito making supplies, masks, hand sanitizer, and cleaning supplies. Check out their COVID-specific webpage for specific needs and information.

    Portland Community Football Club

    Portland Community Football Club provides affordable, high quality soccer for low-income, immigrant and refugee youth ages 5-18. Although all soccer related activities have stopped, they have shifted all their focus towards the needs of their families, many of whom are undocumented and work in the restaurant and food service industries. They are providing food and other staples for families, and even providing financial assistance when it is needed. 

    Direct donations will help PCFC ensure that they can continue this work, and that they will be able to pick up where they left off when play resumes. All donations can be made at their website

    They can also always use more volunteer coaches. Though, we aren’t sure when play will resume, they are meeting monthly via Zoom with coaches to do some coaching education. They also could use volunteers to help with our virtual fundraiser in September. Volunteer roles for that could include: Picking up procured auction items around Portland, writing auction item/package descriptions, or joining the PCFC Ambassador program. Contact if interested in any of the volunteer opportunities

    Q Center

    The Q Center in North Portland provides a meeting space and community center for LGBTQ+ individuals in Portland. The center currently has a drive under way for art supplies for the lounge. If you are interested in helping out, contact their Operations Coordinator, Jasmine Brown, at Financial contributions will also help support the important work of this community center.

    In hopes of opening soon, please contact them if you are interested in volunteering!The center uses volunteers to staff our front desk and lobby area during our open hours (Noon – 8 p.m. weekdays, Noon – 6 p.m. weekends).These volunteers also provide information and referral. After being closed a long time we are concerned about our volunteers returning upon reopening. Anyone interested can contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Dani Trammell at

    Rose Haven

    Rose Haven shelter and community center continues to adapt their services to provide support to women, children, and gender diverse individuals in our community who are at risk of houselessness or abuse. They need a few volunteers to work in the building adjacent to Rose Haven cleaning restrooms, sorting donations, and working on other organizational projects.Right now they also have a number of projects that can be taken off-site for volunteers to complete and return. This would include making hygiene kits in to go bags, sorting shoes, distributing hand sanitizer from a large gallon into small containers, etc. Email for more info! 

    Rose Haven is also in need of material donations to directly provide what their clients need. They currently have an amazon wishlist, as well as a partnership with Next Adventure to purchase outdoor supplies and other needed items. Next Adventure, which is a local, small business, is offering a 50% discount to Rose Haven supporters who are purchasing supplies to donate. Use this link to purchase from Next Adventure. You can also check out the amazon wishlist here.

    Rosehip Medic Collective

    Rosehip Medic Collective are street medics (providing medical care at protests, action camps, occupations, etc- specifically for antifascist and leftist organizing) and community medics (providing baseline medical care to underserved communities such as houseless folks and the queer community). In response to COVID-19, they are also producing hand sanitizer, and have produced and distributed over 15,000 individual bottles to houseless folks and others in need, primarily through direct service organizations. 

    They are in need of financial support to their gofundme page to continue procuring the materials needed for this operation. They said financial support has slowed down a lot, and their production depends on this source to continue. Visit  their GoFundMe page to contribute.

    Rosewood Initiative

    Rosewood Initiative provides a connection to basic needs resources for vulnerable individuals and families in outer East Portland. Their community center usually provides an array of services. Though the center is now closed, they continue to connect with families via other means, and help families with basic needs like food, rent, and utilities, as well as resource navigation. They have a particular need right now for donations of books for school aged children. Contact to arrange a donation. They also have set up two funds for financial donations. Visit their website, for more information.

    Street Roots

    Street Roots continues to do vital work supporting the houseless population of Portland and advocating for the needs of this community. The need during this time is enormous. Support their vendor assistance fund to provide direct assistance to Street Roots vendors, and financial support for the many initiatives and programs they run. To make a financial donation, please visit here. If you want to read more about the specific ways this money supports individuals in our community, check out Kaia Sand, Street Roots’ executive director, on Twitter.

    Urban League of Portland

    The Urban League of Portland is the foremost civil rights and services agency dedicated to Black Oregonians. They work for stable housing, workforce development, community health,  education and well-being for youth, adults and seniors. Their culturally specific programs and services, combined with our powerful advocacy and civic engagement, empowers Black communities to thrive across Oregon and SW Washington.

    Urban League of Portland is specifically working to address the digital divide in their communities. They have a huge need formodern, safe internet enabled devices like chromebooks, laptops, larger size tablets, etc.  If you have a device that might work, you can  contact to arrange pickup or dropoff. The need is in the thousands for these devices.  Also- watch this space for an updated Amazon wish list coming soon from the organization.

    Voz Workers’ Rights Education Project

    Voz Workers’ Rights Education Project runs a community space that is built by and for day laborers. This is where immigrant, refugee, Latino, and Black day laborers connect for work, and where they host programs, classes, and trainings. Their center continues to be a resource for workers to make connections, get food, and learn about assistance and resources. These are vital services for this population. In addition, Voz is doing regular outreach to day laborers on street corners on how to care for themselves during COVID-19. About 30% of their membership is houseless and an overwhelming majority is monolingual Spanish-speaking. For many, Voz functions as their only or major source of information and access to resources. 

    Voz is in need of volunteers to help with their food pantry, such as sorting and organizing donations, seeking donations, coordinating logistics to receive donations, and doing door-step deliveries to workers’ homes. They provide face masks and gloves and follow distancing guidelines. For direct contact and more information, contact Mo Taylor at

    They also need items for their worker center, including: a small/mini refrigerator, on-site portable toilet rooms, outside hand-washing station, soap and hand sanitizer, disinfecting cleaning wipes, 300 gardening gloves. Contact the worker center director to arrange donations or ask questions:, 503-234-2043.

    William Temple House

    William Temple House operates a food pantry and low- to no-cost mental health counseling services in Portland. They are one of the only organizations around that offers mental health care that is truly accessible to all. They continue to provide these services while constantly adapting their service model for safety. They are usually funded in large part through their thrift store, which has also closed. They are in need of volunteers and donations to continue their impactful work in our community. 

    William Temple House has an ongoing need for volunteers, especially assisting in the food pantry. Volunteers prepare boxes of food from shopping lists created by staff and clients. Boxes are brought upstairs where clients wait outside under canopies. Social distancing is maintained and all staff and volunteers wear masks and gloves. Before- and after-hours, the pantry is stocked and hygiene items organized. The William Temple House Director of Volunteers and Outreach, Cliff Johnson, can be reached at (503) 715-0248 or

    The food pantry also provides basic hygiene products to clients. Monetary donations help them purchase items in bulk at a lower cost, but actual products — full or travel-sizes — are also appreciated. Phoebe O’Meara, Social Services Program Coordinator, can be reached at (503) 715-0318 or  Items their clients request and need include toilet paper; shampoo; conditioner; lotion; soap (bars or liquid); razors; shaving cream; toothpaste; toothbrushes; menstrual products; baby diapers. When the thrift store re-opens in June, they will again be looking for gently used clothing, household goods, and furniture to be donated for resale to benefit their social service programs. Please call 503-222-3328 for information about donating, or find information on the website.

    Woodlawn Farmers’ Market

    The Woodlawn Farmers Market, a project of the Woodlawn Neighborhood Association, is located in the heart of our neighborhood in Northeast Portland, Oregon. They contribute to the revitalization of Woodlawn through our place-based, food-focused initiatives, including a SNAP matching program. They have been significantly impacted by the financial fall-out of Covid-19, and are looking for support to continue their good work. You can contribute financially at their website. They are also (awkwardly, as they say), on the lookout for a porta-potty to use for vendors during the market– due to limited access of surrounding businesses, this would help them greatly. 

    Finally, volunteers are always needed to help out at the market, every Saturday through October.  Email for more information!

    YOUTH (Youth Organized and United To Help)

    YOUTH provides a variety of culturally responsive workshops and services. They serve populations who often fall through the cracks of other services, and are hardest hit by the pandemic. They are currently running a book drive to collect books for underserved youth in Portland. Their book drive is a way to share hope with families in need throughout the Portland metro area.  

    YOUTH needs volunteers to help sort and deliver books. They also need donations of books that are for a diverse age range and culturally diverse in subject matter. You can visit their website to get in contact or learn more.

  • 04/26/2020 12:10 PM | 107ist Admin (Administrator)

    Rose Haven is an important organization in our community, serving women, children, and gender non-conforming folks experiencing the trauma of abuse, loss of home, and other disruptive life challenges. They have continually adapted their service model during this time, and have continued to provide vital direct support to individuals in the Portland area. Below are their most urgent needs, including an opportunity to support local business Next Adventure by purchasing and donating supplies to Rose Haven. We know that many women find themselves in dangerous situations during this time. If you are able, consider supporting Rose Haven in their ongoing work.

    Purchase outdoor supplies from Next Adventure for donation to Rose Haven. Support a local business, and get 50% off the retail price of items to be donated. They will be shipped directly to Rose Haven. Needed items are available for as little as $0.80 up to $110. Anything helps! Click here to shop.

    Sponsor a meal for someone at Rose Haven via Feed it Forward PDX ($5 and up) by clicking here

    There is also an amazon wish list for items needed by Rose Haven, available by clicking here

    Dollar donations are also badly needed to continue providing direct services to women in the Portland area who are experiencing houselessness, hunger, or abuse. Please consider a financial donation if possible.

  • 04/12/2020 12:09 PM | 107ist Admin (Administrator)

    As we end the third week of the stay-at-home orders from Oregon’s Governor, many grassroots activities have started up to help our community during these challenging times. Be it an attempt to get additional resources for the Oregon Food Bank or Meals on Wheels, or schools and businesses raiding their own N95 face mask and glove supplies for frontline healthcare workers, Oregonians have come together to help each other prepare and respond to this pandemic as best we can.

    There has also been an increasing need for face masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE). Professional-grade equipment is required for healthcare workers and first responders, such as paramedics, firefighters, and police officers. This equipment is professionally made to a certain medical standard. This is the equipment — such as N95 masks, face shields, and other equipment — you see hospital workers using. 

    We should also be wearing our own face masks when in public. The CDC has recommended cotton face coverings and social distancing whenever someone is out and about — be it exercising or getting essentials at the market. There are many ways to make your own face mask, and the CDC has compiled a list of ways to make different masks.

    There are also groups that are organizing mask-makers to help meet the growing demand from various organizations for these face masks. One group, Make Masks, was featured in our latest member newsletter. To date, they have coordinated the creation of more 16,000 masks. If you can get involved with them (can sew or can make a donation), please see their website.

    In an effort to help the supply chain for personal cotton masks, and to support the efforts to get more cotton personal face masks to our community, the 107ist board has purchased one thousand, 100 percent cotton face masks, which we plan to donate to local organizations that need these items. One of our scarf producers, Euroscarves, has recently adjusted their operation to make cotton face masks, and we are proud to purchase from them. 

    The 107ist is asking our membership to fund this donation through a buy one, give one model. In addition to the one thousand masks for the community, we have also ordered an additional thousand for our members to be able to purchase for personal use. While buying face masks for yourself and household, you will be paying forward the donation to our local organizations.

    We are offering this through a few different options: You can buy 5 facemasks and donate 5, buy 2 and donate 8, or just donate 5. If you have the means to support this effort, please see the event on our website below for more information and to register. 

    Important notes:

    • 100 percent cotton face masks will not protect you from the COVID-19 virus. These masks are intended to help you protect others by covering your nose and mouth at all times while in public. The CDC, as well as Oregon’s Health Authority, continue to advocate for social distancing when in public, in addition to wearing personal face masks.
    • Please do not consider these face masks a solution for social distancing. These are not medical-grade masks. 
    • While these are not single-use masks, it is recommended that you wash the mask after each use. Please wash with soap and water and let air dry before you use the mask again.

  • 03/12/2020 12:09 PM | 107ist Admin (Administrator)

    As supporters of teams in the National Women’s Soccer League, all of which have players who are plaintiffs in the lawsuit against the U.S. Soccer Federation, we strongly condemn the misogynistic mindset of the US Soccer Federation as reflected in the rhetoric of their recent court filing on March 9, 2020. It is clear to us that the USSF has chosen a path of explicit discrimination on the basis of sex.

    As dedicated supporters of women’s soccer in America, we caution U.S. Soccer that we expect the federation to adequately and equitably support the women whose athletic achievements and larger cultural impact have drawn us to this sport. U.S. Soccer now finds itself on the wrong side of history. We urge sponsors and potential sponsors of U.S. Soccer to join us in condemning the federation for their argument that women do not perform equal work because they are less skilled and have less responsibilities than their male counterparts.

    U.S. Soccer has taken a paternalistic approach to women’s soccer, asking the players and supporters to be grateful for what they have given us — including the National Women’s Soccer League. Instead, we urge U.S. Soccer to change course to avoid further alienation of their fans and to protect their ability to have a productive and positive impact on our culture as a sport and as a nation.

    Signed 3/12/2020

    Bayou City Republic (@BayouCityRep, Houston Dash)

    Black Swans Drinking Club (@BlackSwansDC, Orlando Pride)

    Chicago Local 134 (@Chicagolocal134, Chicago Red Stars, ISC member)

    Cloud 9 (Sky Blue FC, ISC member)

    The Court (CourtofRoyals, Utah Royals)

    Order of the Reign (@OrderOfTheReign, OL Reign)

    Pride’s Crown (@PridesCrown, Orlando Pride, ISC member)

    Rose City Riveters (@PDXRivetersSG, Portland Thorns, ISC member)

    Royal Guard (@RoyalGuard_SG, OL Reign)

    Spirit Squadron (@SpiritSquadron, Washington Spirit, ISC member)

    The Uproar (@UproarNC, North Carolina Courage, ISC member)

  • 02/19/2020 12:08 PM | 107ist Admin (Administrator)

    Guest post by Megan Drake (@drummerlib) and Tina Ettlin (@tinalope_)

    I’ve always felt that there’s a sense of mystery surrounding how people get to be a Riveters capo or members of the DnT crew, which isn’t the best. In an ideal world, everyone knows how to join us so that no one feels intimidated or unsure about volunteering to join us. So, now I’m writing my first ever blog post so that everyone DOES know how it all works.

    I can’t count the number of times that people have come up to me at a Thorns match and said something along the lines of, “I’m a drummer/trumpeter/horn player! I’d love to join you guys!” My response is usually something along the lines of, “That’s great! Sign up for the e-mail list and keep an eye out for the call for volunteers that we send in the off season!” I do that for a reason. There’s so much going on during a match that I know I won’t remember any one person that expressed interest to me and I’d never want anyone to feel left out or excluded. Having everyone come through a single place makes it so much easier for us to manage and greatly reduces the likelihood of anyone being accidentally excluded.

    That said – having the volunteer form only come out during the off-season creates a barrier to volunteering. So, we’ve decided to make a change. Now, the volunteer form will be available year-round. The link will be printed on the chant sheets and linked from the Riveters website. Anyone can express interest in joining the Riveters Capos or DnT at any time.

    Yes, the link is here too:

    That’s the first step to joining our crew – expressing interest. Now comes the fun part.


    We currently hold at least one try-out session per season, during the preseason tournament. We are toying around with the idea of holding a second set of tryouts mid-season, but a lot of that depends on our needs as the season goes along.

    Here’s how tryouts work for DnT:

    Anyone that is trying out on a horn is given the sheet music in advance. Yes, the Riveters have sheet music for all of the chants that include horns. Yes, you can still improvise within reason. We’ve just found that people tend to find it easier to join when they have music to use for practicing before tryouts. There’s no sheet music for the drums, though. The beats aren’t hard and you’ve been hearing the chants for a while. We’ve never had anyone struggle too hard with picking it up.

    When tryout day comes, anyone interested in drumming is put on a drum. We’ve got spare mallets so there’s no need to bring a pair, but you probably want gloves so your hands aren’t destroyed. There’s at least one (if not more) experienced DnT drummers also on drums so there’s someone doing the beats that you can follow. The match starts and the capo calling chants gets us rolling. Your job as a person trying out is to do your best to keep up with the drumming / horn playing. We know you won’t be perfect. All of us still make mistakes at matches on the regular. All we want is for you to hit the drum hard and keep within tempo. (DON’T RUSH K THX) If we see someone having a bit of a hard time picking up a particular beat (some of the chants have a lot of syncopation), one of us will be very overt with how the beats go so that it’s easier to follow. This is also why some chants go longer than expected on tryout day. We want to give the people trying out a good shot at learning the complicated beat.

    This means – If you’re in the crowd, please don’t yell at me if Onward goes for 10 minutes on tryout day. It’s happening for a reason and it’s preseason. Chill TF out.

    Once the match is over, all DnT members at the match get together and decide as a group what the results are. Some people are full members right away. Some people are subs for a while before they become full members. Some people stay as subs. It all depends on what we need within DnT, how you fit in the crew, and how you did during your tryout. We let you know that day if you’re still around in the stadium. Otherwise, you’ll get an email from me. It’s pretty rare for someone to not be at least a sub, so try not to stress too much.

    For capos, the tryout looks like this:

    We will find a spot for you during the match – either in a bucket, on the mainstage or at the top of 107. Depending on the amount of people we have trying out, we may switch people out or change your spot during the half. I highly recommend bringing cough drops or lozenges to help protect your throat.

    The biggest (and maybe the most obvious) thing we will look for? Know. Our. Chants. It’s the biggest part of what we do. We know you may not get the hand signals right off the bat but we have a key to give you to help you learn.

    Another part of our job as capos is getting our sections back on track after something happens on the pitch because yelling at the refs is evergreen and our people are incredible at it. Stay engaged with your sections and keep the energy up. The people around you feed off the energy you give to keep the North End the powerful presence everyone loves.

    Just like with DnT, we will get together after all the tryouts finish and discuss the results. We do like to keep a solid list of subs because sometimes one of our full time capos needs a match off. We’re all human! Our hope is to one day get the lower bowl fully involved so more permanent capos are needed.

    That’s pretty much it! We know that we all have lives and we are all volunteers, but we do ask that you sign a code of conduct when you join. The gist of it is basically:

    • If you’re a full member, you need to be a season ticket holder
    • Be professional during matches.
    • Be reliable – if you commit to being at a match, be there.
    • Be sober during matches. A little bit o’ the sauce is fine but you’ve got a job to do.
    • Pay attention. Again, you’ve got a job to do. No being distracted by your phone or even the match.


    Oh, and if you decide to fill out that handy-dandy volunteer form and come try out? WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!

    See you in March!

Member, Independent Supporters Council

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